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All media depicts mature plants.

Fire Light Tidbit® Panicle Hydrangea



  • Dwarf-hydrangea perfect for small spaces.
  • Stunning fall foliage color!
  • Enjoy a color-changing flower display. Blooms age from bright lime green, to white, to pink and then take on rich red tones in fall.
  • Zones 3-8, sun/part sun, 3' tall x 3' wide at maturity.
Zone 3-8
Light part sun/sun

{% capture DiscountGroup %}1{% endcapture %} {% capture DiscountTier %}2{% endcapture %} {% assign DiscountGroup = DiscountGroup | plus: 0 %} {% assign DiscountTier = DiscountTier | plus: 0 %} {% assign discount_amount = 0 %} {% for group in product.discounts_structure.groups %} {% if group.id == DiscountGroup %} {% for tier in group.tiers %} {% if tier.id == DiscountTier %} {% for discount in tier.discount %} {% if discount.min_quantity > variant.quantity %}{% break %}{% endif %} {% assign discount_amount = discount.discount_amount | times: 100 %} {% endfor %} {% break %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% break %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if variant.price < variant.compare_at_price %} Sale {{- variant.price | minus: discount_amount | money | remove: ' ' -}}
{{- variant.compare_at_price | money | remove: ' ' -}} {% else %} {{- variant.price | money | remove: ' ' -}} {% endif %} Each

Buy More, Save More:
    {% for discountGroup in product.discounts_structure.groups %} {% if discountGroup.id == 1 %} {% for discountTier in discountGroup.tiers %} {% if discountTier.id == 2%} {% for discount in discountTier.discount %}
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    {{ variant.price | money | remove: ' ' }} {{ variant.price | minus: discount_amount | money | remove: ' ' }} / {{ discount.min_quantity }}{% if discountTier.discount[forloop.index] != blank %}-{{ discountTier.discount[forloop.index].min_quantity | minus: 1 }}{% else %}+{% endif %} qty.
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{% capture DiscountGroup %}1{% endcapture %} {% capture DiscountTier %}2{% endcapture %} {% assign DiscountGroup = DiscountGroup | plus: 0 %} {% assign DiscountTier = DiscountTier | plus: 0 %} {% assign discount_amount = 0 %} {% for group in product.discounts_structure.groups %} {% if group.id == DiscountGroup %} {% for tier in group.tiers %} {% if tier.id == DiscountTier %} {% for discount in tier.discount %} {% if discount.min_quantity > variant.quantity %}{% break %}{% endif %} {% assign discount_amount = variant.quantity | times: discount.discount_amount | times: 100 %} {% endfor %} {% break %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% break %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{{ variant.price | times: variant.quantity | minus: discount_amount | money | remove: ' ' }}
{% if discount_amount > 0 %} Saved {{ discount_amount | money | remove: ' ' }} {% endif %}
{% for option in product.options_with_values %} {% assign optionIndex = forloop.index0 %} {% assign position = forloop.index %}
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{% endfor %}
{% capture add_to_cart %}Neptune.cart.add({ id:{{ variant.id | json }}, quantity:{{ variant.quantity }}, properties:{ '_growingzone':['3a', '3b', '4a', '4b', '5a', '5b', '6a', '6b', '7a', '7b', '8a', '8b'],'shipping_exclusions':''} }, '.atcprod-{{ variant.id }}', { quantity: {{ variant.quantity }}, image: '//www.greatgardenplants.com/cdn/shop/files/HydrangeapaniculataFireLightTidbitDSC05002-800x800-fb5f99b.png?v=1712069977', title: 'Fire Light Tidbit® Panicle Hydrangea', option: 'One Quart' }); return false;{% endcapture %} {% assign discontinued = '' %} {% for tag in product.tags %} {% if tag contains 'discontinued' %} {% assign discontinued = 'true' %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if variant.available %} {% else %} {% unless discontinued == 'true' %} Notify Me When Available {% endunless %} {% endif %}
{% if error %}
{% endif %}
white plant in hand icon

Hand-picked at our greenhouse

white shipped to door icon

Shipped to your door

Young plant icon

Arrives as young plant

background image

More Information

Description Gardeners with small spaces rejoice! With Fire Light Tidbit® hydrangea (Hydrangea paniculata), everyone has room for a stunning small hydrangea in their garden. While Fire Light Tidbit® may be small, it doesn't sacrifice big beautiful blooms. This tiny shrub boasts dozens of large, white mophead flowers in early-mid summer, covering its green foliage. As the season goes on, its lush blooms get blushed with pink and red tones, staying colorful until the first frost. This small hydrangea variety also features colorful autumn foliage, which is unique for hydrangea of this type. No need to worry about flopping flowers; this easy-care shrub has thick and sturdy stems that create a neat, mounded plant that leaves no flowers on the ground. Perfect for the landscape, flower gardens, and even containers, Fire Light Tidbit® is incredibly versatile. Details Botanical name: Hydrangea paniculata 'SMNHPK'
Patent #: USPP 32,512
Common name: Panicle hydrangea, Hardy hydrangea, Pee gee hydrangea
Zone: 3 - 8
Sun exposure: Sun (6+ hours), Part Sun (4-6 hours)
Height x width: 2-3' x 3'
Flower color: Bright lime cream to white turning to pink to red
Foliage color: Green
Bloom season: Summer thru fall
Bloom time: Summer
Features: Space savers, Proven Winners, low flammability, heat tolerant, fall color, cold tolerant
Uses: Background, foundation planting, hedge, massing, ornamental, specimen, cut flower
How To Grow Soil: Average, well-drained soils. A 2-3" layer of shredded bark mulch is highly recommended.
Light: Most varieties tolerate full sun in the North, but benefit from afternoon shade. Tolerates full sun only if grown with consistent moisture. In the South, plants require afternoon shade.
Water: Water to keep soil moist, but not wet. Panicle hydrangeas suffer dramatically in poorly drained or wet areas.
Spacing: 3 ft
Fertilizing: Little required. Apply a granular rose fertilizer in early spring if desired.
Winterizing: Panicle hydrangeas are very cold tolerant and need little more than a 2-3" layer of mulch to conserve moisture and prevent cold damage to the roots.
Maintenance & pruning: Blooms on new wood, which means that the plant creates its flower buds only once it has started leafing out in spring. This means it can be pruned in spring and still flower. We recommend cutting back by one-third of its total length in early spring.

Q & A

Your Questions on Caring for Hydrangeas, Answered

Learn how to grow and care for hydrangeas like a pro! Discover different types of hydrangeas, when it's best to prune hydrangeas, how to change colored blooms, why they may be wilting, and everything else you need to know.

A wide variety of colorful hydrangeas

Customer Reviews

Based on 23 reviews
N. (Connecticut)
Healthy and fast growing!

Received small plant (quart size) in June 2023 and planted right away, it grew vigorously and produce blossomed (pic with blossom taken Oct 2023). Of course the dears came shortly after and stripped it down to the ground. Fast forward past winter and exactly one year from purchase, my hydrangeas are bigger and better with many more blooms emerging!


Well package and transplanted well. Looking forward to watching them grow.

K.D. (Ohio)

Thank you for the care taken in shipping the 3 Firelight Tidbit Hydrangeas I ordered. They are all doing well and one even has flower buds on it already! My daughter told me that Great Garden Plants was her favorite nursery to order from online and she was right!

Great looking plant

I order A LOT of plants online and you never really know what you’re going to get by size. This plant was very good sized, very healthy looking, and even pleasantly surprised to see it starting to leaf out already so early in the season. It was very well packaged, with only a single broken end of a branch. Shipping was quick. I can’t wait to see this mature in the garden. I’ve already placed another order and put myself on the waitlist for a few items with GGP after being so happy with the quality.

A.H. (North Carolina)
Packaged nicely !!

Package came earlier than I expected. A few fallen leaves, due to travel...but still in good shape. Looking forward to seeing how they do in the garden.

Hello! We're sorry you're not completely satisfied with your order. While we try our best to provide exceptional service, some factors, like shipping and handling, are outside our control, and issues like this can sometimes happen. Please email pictures of the plants to claims@greatgardenplants.com, making sure to put your order number and name in the subject line so that we may provide the best assistance possible. Rest assured, we have a 60-day guarantee on all our plants. Happy Gardening!