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{% assign last_slide = forloop.index %} {% endfor %}
All media depicts mature plants.

North Star® Boxwood



  • Year-round appeal! Enjoy this evergreen all year long.
  • Stunning globe-shaped habit requires little to no pruning.
  • Extremely versatile! Looks stunning as a low-growing hedge or in a container.
  • Zones 5-9, sun/part sun/shade, 2.5' tall x 2.5' at maturity. 
Zone 5-9
Light part sun/sun/shade

{% capture DiscountGroup %}1{% endcapture %} {% capture DiscountTier %}2{% endcapture %} {% assign DiscountGroup = DiscountGroup | plus: 0 %} {% assign DiscountTier = DiscountTier | plus: 0 %} {% assign discount_amount = 0 %} {% for group in product.discounts_structure.groups %} {% if group.id == DiscountGroup %} {% for tier in group.tiers %} {% if tier.id == DiscountTier %} {% for discount in tier.discount %} {% if discount.min_quantity > variant.quantity %}{% break %}{% endif %} {% assign discount_amount = discount.discount_amount | times: 100 %} {% endfor %} {% break %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% break %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if variant.price < variant.compare_at_price %} Sale {{- variant.price | minus: discount_amount | money | remove: ' ' -}}
{{- variant.compare_at_price | money | remove: ' ' -}} {% else %} {{- variant.price | money | remove: ' ' -}} {% endif %} Each

Buy More, Save More:
    {% for discountGroup in product.discounts_structure.groups %} {% if discountGroup.id == 1 %} {% for discountTier in discountGroup.tiers %} {% if discountTier.id == 2%} {% for discount in discountTier.discount %}
  • {% assign discount_amount = discount.discount_amount | times: 100 %} {% assign tier_ceiling = 10000 %} {% if discountTier.discount[forloop.index] != blank %}{% assign tier_ceiling = discountTier.discount[forloop.index].min_quantity | minus: 1 %}{% endif %}
    {{ variant.price | money | remove: ' ' }} {{ variant.price | minus: discount_amount | money | remove: ' ' }} / {{ discount.min_quantity }}{% if discountTier.discount[forloop.index] != blank %}-{{ discountTier.discount[forloop.index].min_quantity | minus: 1 }}{% else %}+{% endif %} qty.
  • {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% capture DiscountGroup %}1{% endcapture %} {% capture DiscountTier %}2{% endcapture %} {% assign DiscountGroup = DiscountGroup | plus: 0 %} {% assign DiscountTier = DiscountTier | plus: 0 %} {% assign discount_amount = 0 %} {% for group in product.discounts_structure.groups %} {% if group.id == DiscountGroup %} {% for tier in group.tiers %} {% if tier.id == DiscountTier %} {% for discount in tier.discount %} {% if discount.min_quantity > variant.quantity %}{% break %}{% endif %} {% assign discount_amount = variant.quantity | times: discount.discount_amount | times: 100 %} {% endfor %} {% break %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% break %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{{ variant.price | times: variant.quantity | minus: discount_amount | money | remove: ' ' }}
{% if discount_amount > 0 %} Saved {{ discount_amount | money | remove: ' ' }} {% endif %}
{% for option in product.options_with_values %} {% assign optionIndex = forloop.index0 %} {% assign position = forloop.index %}
{% assign sortedvalues = option.values %} {% if option.name contains 'Length' or option.name contains 'Width' or option.name contains 'Height' or option.name contains 'Depth' or option.name contains 'Thickness' or option.name contains 'Weight' %} {% assign sortedvalues = option.values | sort %} {% endif %} {% for value in sortedvalues %} {% assign inventory_quantity = 0 %} {% assign available = false %} {% assign optionVariant = false %} {% if product.options_with_values.size == 3 and optionIndex == 2%} {% for v in product.variants %} {% unless v.bogus %} {% if v.option1 == variant.option1 and v.option2 == variant.option2 and v.option3 == value %} {% assign optionVariant = v %} {% assign inventory_quantity = inventory_quantity | plus: v.inventory_quantity %} {% if v.available %}{% assign available = true %}{% endif %} {% endif %} {% endunless %} {% endfor %} {% elsif product.options_with_values.size == 2 and optionIndex == 1%} {% for v in product.variants %} {% unless v.bogus %} {% if v.option1 == variant.option1 and v.option2 == value %} {% assign optionVariant = v %} {% assign inventory_quantity = inventory_quantity | plus: v.inventory_quantity %} {% if v.available %}{% assign available = true %}{% endif %} {% endif %} {% endunless %} {% endfor %} {% else %} {% for v in product.variants %} {% unless v.bogus %} {% if v.option1 == value %} {% assign optionVariant = v %} {% assign inventory_quantity = inventory_quantity | plus: v.inventory_quantity %} {% if v.available %}{% assign available = true %}{% endif %} {% endif %} {% endunless %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% assign checked = "" %} {% if variant.options[optionIndex] == value%}{% assign checked = "checked" %}{% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% capture add_to_cart %}Neptune.cart.add({ id:{{ variant.id | json }}, quantity:{{ variant.quantity }}, properties:{ '_growingzone':['5a', '5b', '6a', '6b', '7a', '7b', '8a', '8b', '9a', '9b'],'shipping_exclusions':'pa,tn,'} }, '.atcprod-{{ variant.id }}', { quantity: {{ variant.quantity }}, image: '//www.greatgardenplants.com/cdn/shop/products/buxus-north-star-3.jpg?v=1608001086', title: 'North Star® Boxwood', option: 'One Quart' }); return false;{% endcapture %} {% assign discontinued = '' %} {% for tag in product.tags %} {% if tag contains 'discontinued' %} {% assign discontinued = 'true' %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if variant.available %} {% else %} {% unless discontinued == 'true' %} Notify Me When Available {% endunless %} {% endif %}
{% if error %}
{% endif %}

Unable to ship to pa,tn,

white plant in hand icon

Hand-picked at our greenhouse

white shipped to door icon

Shipped to your door

Young plant icon

Arrives as young plant

background image

More Information

Description North Star® boxwood (Buxus sempervirens) is a timeless addition to any landscape. Its globe-shaped habit requires little to no pruning but can be easily trimmed to fit any landscape needs. This tiny shrub makes an excellent low growing hedge, a lovely shrub in containers, or a stand out addition to topiary gardens. Have other shrubs that deer like to nibble on? Replace them with North Star® boxwood and enjoy its classic good looks and deer-resistant foliage. This no-prune evergreen thrives in both sun and shade and adds outstanding color even through winter! Boxwood is the perfect, low-maintenance way to add year-long color and texture to just about any garden! Details Botanical name: Buxus sempervirens 'Katerberg'
Patent #: PP 15,998
Common name: Boxwood
Zone: 5 -9
Sun exposure: Sun (6+ Hours sun), part sun (4-6 hours sun), shade (<4 hours sun)
Height x width: 2-2.5' x 2-2.5'
Foliage color: Green
Season of Interest: Year-Round
Bloom time: Early spring
Features: Winter interest, space savers, rabbit resistant, deer resistant, Proven Winners, evergreens, container plants, best for beginners
Uses: Accent, border, container gardening, edging, foundation planting, hedge, small spaces
How To Grow Soil: Evenly moist, well-drained soil. Prefers a slightly acidic soil pH between 6.5 and 7.0.
Light: Sun/part sun/shade. Will grow well in a variety of part shade situations, including open sun-dappled conditions or light shade with several hours of morning sun or early afternoon sun. Plants can grow in close to full shade, but typically are less vigorous and more open with decreased foliage density. When grown in full sun, plant foliage is more likely to scorch, bronze in winter, or suffer from mite attacks.
Water: Evenly moist, average
Spacing: 2-4'
Fertilizing: Roots appreciate a good organic (e.g., bark or compost) mulch (1-2"). Apply a balanced fertilizer, such as a 10-10-10 ratio fertilizer, or slow release fertilizer after the second year of growth by spreading it evenly over the surface of the soil (follow label directions), and watering it in.
Winterizing: Boxwood is best sited in locations sheltered from strong winds, with, if possible, some protection from full winter sun. Foliage may bronze in winter when exposed to half day to full day sun. Winter winds can remove moisture from leaves at a rapid rate, often resulting in dehydration and bronzing. Carefully remove heavy snow accumulations as quickly as practicable to minimize stem/branch damage.
Maintenance & Pruning: Plants are generally tolerant of pruning and shearing. Pruning should never be done prior to the last spring frost date. Pruning too early in spring often promotes tender new growth that may be damaged or killed by a late spring frost. Avoid cultivating around plants because they have shallow roots.

Garden Care

Our Guide for Fall Planting

The start of fall may signal the gardening season is coming to a close, but it’s not over yet! There is still plenty of time to enjoy colorful flowers and foliage or even sprinkle in some new perennials and shrubs before winter arrives.

Customer Reviews

Based on 16 reviews
M.S. (New York)
Very pleased!

Plants arrived on time, healthy and met my expectations. Will order from Great Garden Plants again. Thank you!

j.b. (Indiana)
Healthy plants

Plants arrived well packaged and very healthy. All six plants are planted and showing new growth already. I am very pleased with my purchase and will definitely shop here again. Thank you! Jill B.

P. (Indiana)

Plants Doing fine thank you

E.C. (New Jersey)
Healthy, but small.

Nice plants, but only 9" tall. Considering I'm pushing 80, I guess that makes me an optimist.

Hello! We're sorry that you're unsatisfied with your plants. We do note that all of our plants are young on each product page and on our plant sizes page https://www.greatgardenplants.com/pages/sizes.The size and maturity of the plants varies widely depending on the time of the year you purchased and if they were recently trimmed. The important thing when it comes to purchasing plants, whether online or in a garden center, is that they have a full, robust root system, and that's what we prioritize in our greenhouses.The more roots a plant has, the more energy it can put into growing once it is planted in your garden. We do keep our plants trimmed to encourage strong root development!

A.D. (Utah)
Great root system

I bought 4 of these for my front yard. Struggled to get them out of the cans because they were INTENSELY rooted. Very satisfied with the quality of these little plants.